Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last Post ~ Last Day ~ Wonderful Year!

Hi Preschool Parents,

Thank you all for such a fun preschool year. I have compiled an online album at the above link.
I apologize for not having a more organized blog link, but this had been such a slow blog site.
I find that the google pictures are easier to download and you can copy/print
as you would like.
Thank you again for a wonderful year!
I loved every minute of being with your children and getting to know you all!
Such blessings! Love, Mrs. Holly & Mrs. Mary

Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don't only give your care, but give your heart as well. ~Mother Teresa

Click on link below for pictures!



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fun in the Sun! May

Sweet Photos from May!

Welcome to May! The month of "Mommy" and "Summer" and End of the Preschool Year!

This week at preschool, we welcomed Anna Ward back (Congratulations, again to the White family on their newest member, Bella Stewart!) and Lila (who returned from vacation). We said goodbye to our friend, Quincy - who left on vacation today (we will see him next year at preschool) and we missed our friend, Lauren who is away on vacation.
(This is why I had such a hard time getting a group photo ;> )
Anyway, I managed to get one with everyone except Lauren. I hope you all will enjoy.

In the above photos, a peek from our week .... we talked about Mother's Day, Summer Fun (including the beach, pool, summertime, etc). We enjoyed abundant sunshine on the playground
and had lots of fun. We colored with crayons ( a request from the older class teachers) and
we made a beautiful beach collage with fish, whales (whale sharks - according to Max!), sailboats, and real sand! The children especially enjoyed my oldest daughter, Anne who spent the day with us today. You probably heard them talking about her as they loved having her in class today.
(She is 10 years old and in the 4th grade at St. Joseph's).
We spent time rehearsing for our spring festival which will be tomorrow morning. We did an
amazing job on stage today and all of the other teacher's talked about how wonderful we were
and how especially cute we were singing our songs. We can't wait for you to see them tomorrow!
It was a wonderful week! More pictures will follow above this post.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tuesday Fun

Tea Party Fun and painting at the easel on Tuesday.