Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Music Class with Miss Elizabeth

The children love music with Miss Elizabeth. They do a great job staying on their carpet squares and paying attention! They also love using the instruments and dancing.


We all wore orange, great job!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Here She Is...

Miss Jennifer Rose - Miss Mary's new baby girl and the proud big sister!

Congratulations Snyder Family!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Orange" Painting at the Easel ~

We had a really busy Tuesday morning, but we were able to get lots done! The children enjoyed painting at the easel with our color of the month, "orange". Remember that this Thursday is "wear orange day"!

Fun in the Fall Sunshine!

The children really enjoyed our playground time on Tuesday morning. The fall morning sunshine was beautiful and we loved being able to get outside
for a change! Thank you parents, for sending in cozy coats for our outdoor time. We hope to be outside on preschool mornings when the temperatures are above 40 degrees.

Police Visit

The children loved seeing the Policemen and their Segway. Our class was treated to an up close and private (not to mention warm) viewing in the lobby! They received Police Badges
and were amazed by the kind officers. Thank you, parents for talking to the children about the Police Officers being our friends and helpers!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Congratulations to our newest big sisters....
Lauren, Harper & Berkeley - we know you'll be
great big sisters!!

Music Class and Art - Scenes from Tuesday...

Our color of the month for October is Orange! The children painted with Miss Mary
and sang with Miss Elizabeth
and Melody - we had a great morning!