Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter Sunshine!

We had a couple of great/warmer late afternoon days on the playground! The children loved getting out in the sunshine!

Scenes from February...

Some pictures from our music class - where Mrs. Elizabeth showed us how to use the xylophone. We were wonderful at taking turns!
We have enjoyed having our new friend, John Aubrey and our new basketball goal in our classroom! We've had lots of fun tossing the soft balls into the goal - this has also been a great
for "taking turns" and cheering on our classmates!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mother Goose Visits!

We love when Mother Goose comes to our classroom. The children are so well behaved and Mother Goose thinks we act like 3 year olds! WOW! This month, Mother Goose told us the story of "Jack Be Nimble" - we acted this rhyme out by jumping over the candlestick ourselves! Mother Goose helped us a little. Then, she gave us all a Valentine Card.
What fun!
See you next month, Mother Goose!

Welcome to February!

We have made lots of beautiful artwork for Valentine's Day - using our colors of the month - pink & red. We made stamping art, puffy paint hearts, used lots of red glitter, and decorated our Valentine's Party Bags. Our room is looking festive for our party on Thursday! Did you know it's easier to use stickers when you have a fireman's hat on? It's true!

Welcome to our Newest Friend!

John Aubrey joined our class at the beginning of February and fit in instantly!
We love having another boy in the class! Here he is with his new friends, Berkeley and Katie -
they were very welcoming and showed him around!

Happy Birthday to Katie!!

Our last little one to turn 2! Happy
Birthday Katie!! We celebrated with
some yummy cupcakes and singing to
our friend at circle time!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Interesting Link...


The above link is a very interesting. It follows how
a child's ability to draw people develops.
I found this interesting as my (youngest) daughter is entering
Kindergarten next year and this was part of
her assessment.
I thought you all might find it interesting as well.