Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Welcome Back! Happy Birthday Lila! It's December!

We had very few tears as the children returned to preschool this morning. They quickly warmed up as we talked about our many Nativity Sets around the classroom. The children loved passing the baby Jesus around at circle time. Some of them gave him a kiss and told him, "Happy Birthday!" Many of you must have Nativity Sets at home, because they all knew who the baby was!
We also celebrated Lila's Birthday today! She brought in lovely snacks, we sang Happy Birthday to her too, at circle time. She also shared with us her favorite book, "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss and she knew all of the ending words of the rhymes. What a smart 2 year old! The children loved this rhyming book - if any of you don't have it - it would make a great Christmas gift.
I have lots of pictures to share - as soon as I get my card reader back from a friend (whose Christmas Card pictures I took over the weekend!)
We are busy decorating our classroom for our Christmas Party - which will be the 17th following our Songfest - which is at 9:15 in our classroom. We hope that all of our parents will join us. The Songfest is basically our Music Class - where Miss Elizabeth comes to our classroom and shares our songs with us. Afterwards, our Party Parents will host a party for the children.
Other than these fun items, I'll add a couple of reminders for the remainder of December:
Please label your children's coats, sweaters, gloves,etc. Please note we try to venture outside as often as we can - we stay indoors if the temps are below 40 degrees or it is damp. We have started using hand sanitizer each day before snack time. We give the children a "dot" and then they rub their hands together, and then wave them to dry. Please feel free to do this as well when you're out and about.

That is it for this post. Please enjoy this blessed season with your little ones. They are such gifts to us at Preschool!

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