Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome Back ~~ Happy New Year!!

I don't have any pictures to post today ~ sadly, I left my camera at home ~ what was I thinking??
We had a very busy, fun day! We welcomed Mrs. Mary back! The children did a great job getting in from carpool, we were introduced to "Mrs. B" our new movement teacher, we made "puffy paint" from glue and shaving creme, and we made winter collages. We talked about winter clothing and the "S" word... SNOW! the children counted 4 little snowmen and we had lots of fun!
We did miss Katie and Quincy, who hopefully will re-join us Thursday .
For our first movement class, the children enjoyed jumping on the mini trampoline, walking the balance beam (very well btw), rolling on the gym matts and crawling through the tunnel. We loved movement class and look forward to learning more from Mrs. B.
Yes, the "S" word has been mentioned lots today - on the news and at preschool.
Just a little reminder... IF Cobb County Schools OR Marietta City Schools cancel school due to Snow/Ice, our Preschool is also closed. Please listen to WSB tv for school cancellations and closings.
You can always call me if in doubt! ;)
If not, we'll see you all on Thursday ~ be sure to bundle them up warmly, and yes, I'll remember my camera!

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