Saturday, March 20, 2010


We so much enjoyed our warm weather this week at preschool. The children loved playing outside! We have missed our playground time during the wet, cold weather. I loved catching their excitement with my camera!

~ March ~ Playground Fun

Playground Sunshine ~ Welcome Spring!

We all thanked God for the beautiful day!

March Music Class

If your child came home singing about the "5 Little Frogs ~ Sitting on a log", it's because we sang about them in Music Class. They were sitting, sleeping, and catching flies on the log ~ in these pictures, you can see that they loved showing the motions of the frogs in music class!

~ Green ~

We had so much fun on Thursday! We talked about all things "green" in our classroom and outdoors. There are so many green things this type of year. We continued talking about clouds, rainbows, wind, and green. We will start our Easter Theme on Tuesday. The weather them was lots of fun with these little ones. They are doing so well in the classroom with our routines, walking in a line, sitting for snack, listening during circle time. We are enjoying them so much!
What blessings!

Wear Green Day ~ Springtime Sunshine ~ Playground Fun

Happy Birthday to Anna Ward!!!

Happy Birthday to Anna Ward! Our last birthday of the preschool year! She actually wore her crown the longest of anyone in the class! We had a wonderful Thursday celebrating her special day! We had yummy cookies and sang to her! Hope your Birthday is wonderful!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Picture Day, Rainy Day Fun, Shapes!

The rain kept us inside for our Class Photo Day!
Everyone sure looked nice all dressed up!
We still had lots of fun and kept busy in our classroom.
We read about St. Patrick, St. Patrick's Day,
rainbows, made a "pot of gold", went to music class,
and watched the rain from our windows.
We missed Max, Katie,
and Anna Ward. We hope they feel better soon!
See you all next week!
Keep safe and dry!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Little Cloud" ~ Warm Day Sunshine!

I have lots of pictures to post from our fun day today... I'm just experiencing some technical difficulty. I hope to have them on here soon.
I did want to share some of our fun Tuesday with you all!
Today, we talked about "clouds" and had full cooperation from God! We read the book, "Little Cloud" by Eric Carle (one of my favorites!). We made cotton ball clouds for our art wall with glue, and then we went outside to find the most perfect fluffy clouds in the sky and a couple of "little clouds". Be sure to ask your children what is in the clouds??
We talked about big and small (big clouds, little clouds), we counted green shamrocks, and passed around "fluffy clouds" at circle time.
We also...... drank from NON SIPPY CUPS! Yes, it's true and we did a great job! After our playground time, we returned to the classroom and had wonderful water from our big boy & big girl cups. Now, I did only fill them to about an inch. I refilled several times as they were all very thirsty - but we did not have one spill! I used the small paper cups that the 2,3, and 4 year old classes use. Congratulations to our big boys and girls!!!!
Then, we went to movement class with Mrs. B and played freeze dance!
We had a wonderful, fun Tuesday! I hope to have some pictures up tonight.
Please remember we have class pictures on Thursday and it's looking like it will be an indoor
photo since I think the rain is on the way!
See you then!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to March!

We had a wonderful February
at preschool. We are now looking forward
to lots of fun in March.
Our color will be GREEN!

Teddy Bear Day ~ Thursday Music ~ Painting

We enjoyed meeting everyone's teddy bears at preschool. They went to Music Class with us, where they met Mrs. Elizabeth's teddy bear. They also joined us for our circle time. We counted bears, played teddy bear rhyming games, and made stamp art using our teddy bear stamps. It was a fun teddy bear day!!