Friday, April 16, 2010

The Very Hungry Caterpillar ~ Life Cycle of a Butterfly

This week at preschool, we talked about the life cycle of a butterfly. We read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle and had music, art, and circle time activities tied into this lesson.
The children loved making their own caterpillars and butterflies. I loved hearing the "ooh's" and "ahh's" as we turned the last page of the book that showed the beautiful butterfly! We read the story a couple of times and by the second time, the children could already guess the next step. Look at those fine motor skills at work as they "pinch" the pom poms for the caterpillar's body! This story/theme introduces sequencing to them (early literacy) used to build their foundation of learning to read. They loved this story and I recommend all of Eric Carle's books for your home library. They are wonderful for children this age. This group is so smart, they amaze me everyday! Miss Elizabeth taught us a couple of butterfly songs in music and had a beautiful butterfly puppet and stamp! We had a very busy, wonderful week!

Easter Celebration....

Thank you to our party moms, Shell Brown and Lisa Bennett for the lovely party. We had a wonderful Easter Egg Hunt on our playground and enjoyed the beautiful weather! Then we came inside the classroom for our delicious snacks!
The children were very sweet to one another, giving out hugs and "I love you's" ~ they are a darling group, and I am so much enjoying them!

More Easter Celebration...

Easter Celebration!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter ~ Spring Break ~ Welcome Back!

Thank you to our party moms, Shell Brown and Lisa Bennett for a beautiful Easter Party! We had the most beautiful morning!
The children loved hunting for Easter Eggs on our playground and our refreshing snack afterwards.
I have lots of beautiful pictures from the party and hope to have them posted soon. I am having some computer problems and hope to have that fixed this evening.

Please remember to pack a light sweater or jacket for the playground, as our mornings continue to be chilly. We love getting to go outside!

I hope you all had a Happy Easter and wonderful Spring Breaks with your family. I know I did!
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!